Clare Valley Podcast

Clare Valley Podcast - Council to manage Richardson Park Playspace; Delegation to focus on future road sealing; Clare Valley Community Kitchen; Clare Valley Christian Outreach Xmas Hampers

Season 1 Episode 37

This is the final episode for 2024.

In this episode, Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council Interim CEO Andrew Aitken discusses:

  • Delegation formed to focus on future road sealing
  • Council to take over ongoing management and maintenance of Richardson Park Playspace, Sevenhill
  • Council to apply for another grant to help refurbish Riverton Community Hall

Helping community people during the Xmas period
We’ve heard countless times this year about the housing and homelessness issue statewide, the Mid North is not immune to this. According to Uniting Country SA many people are experiencing homelessness for the first time or re-experiencing this due to housing stress, affordability, and the lack of private rental properties. Many people are couch surfing with family and friends, there are reports of people sleeping rough, in tents and in caravan parks. Uniting Country SA is trying to support people in these conditions but with limited housing options its proving to be extremely difficult.

You'll hear about some of the initiatives that are assisting people who are suffering socially, financially and mentally this Christmas including the Clare Valley Community Kitchen's Christmas lunch and the Clare Valley Christian Outreach Christmas Hampers.

Julie Grover, Coordinator of the Clare Valley Community Kitchen
Cathy Giersch, president, Clare Valley Christian Outreach Management Committee
Irene Connell, Clare resident

Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council - December 11 Agenda

Clare Valley Christian Outreach